
SDLP-25 Speakers


Phone Number: 9037567633
Education: Ph.D
Address: Health Technology Group, C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram
Area of Expertise/Specialization: Brain-Computer Interface and Healthcare Technology
Proposed Title of Talk: AI-Based BCI for Assistive Technology

Phone Number: 7907524833
Education: M.Tech and Social Enterprise Building
Address: Chirakadavu, Valakayam, Kottayam
Area of Expertise/Specialization: Technology for Social Cause, AI for Social Purpose, Robotics
Proposed Title of Talk: Tech and Innovation for Social Inclusion and Purpose-Driven Business Model

Phone Number: 9447464687
Education: Ph.D.
Address: Principal, College of Engineering Poonjar
Area of Expertise/Specialization: Signal Processing
Proposed Title of Talk: Demystifying Signal Processing

Phone Number - 9895163961
Email -
Education - PhD
Address - KC 23/324, House No 103, Sreekuruthikaman Nagar, TKMC PO Kollam 691005
Area of Expertise/ Specialization - Power Systems
Proposed Title of Talk - Transformation to Value Based Education

Phone Number: 9447539622
Education: Ph.D. in Information and Communication Engineering
Address: Associate Dean - IR & F, Indian Institute of Information Technology Kottayam, Valavoor P.O., Pala, Kottayam-686635, Kerala
Area of Expertise/Specialization: IoT, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Next-Gen Wireless Networks, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Proposed Title of Talk: Cyber-Physical Systems and IoT: Innovations Driving Secure and Intelligent Ecosystems

Phone Number: 9447332373
Education: M.Tech
Address: Scientist Engineer, SCTIMST, Govt. of India
Area of Expertise/Specialization: Medical Instrumentation, Biomedical Engineering, Neuroprosthetics, Implantable Medical Devices
Proposed Title of Talk: Related to Biomedical Technology

Phone Number: 9447583520
Education: Master of Engineering in Communication Systems
Address: Palai, Kottayam
Area of Expertise/Specialization: Communication Engineering, Cyber Security, AI/ML, Soft Skills
Proposed Title of Talk: Multiple Topics Based on Audience and Requirements

Phone Number: 9895121134
Education: M.Tech
Address: Scientist F, Cyber Forensics Section, C-DAC, Trivandrum
Area of Expertise/Specialization: Digital Forensics, Cyber Security
Proposed Title of Talk: Digital Forensics, Public Key Infrastructure

Phone Number: 9447445511
Education: Ph.D.
Address: RIT Kottayam, Chempakasseril Villa, Kottayam (M)
Area of Expertise/Specialization: Network Graphs, Web Mining, Social Networks
Proposed Title of Talk: Graphs in Blockchain Networks

Phone Number: 9339891524
Education: Ph.D.
Address: School of Data Science, IISER Thiruvananthapuram Campus, Maruthamala P. O, Vithura, Kerala 695551
Area of Expertise/Specialization: Internet of Things, Fog/Edge Computing, Distributed Learning, Cloud/Serverless Computing
Proposed Title of Talk: Decentralized and Lightweight Machine/Deep Learning Models for Real-time Applications in Edge Networks

Phone Number: 9847381870
Education: Ph.D.
Address: Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE, Govt. Engg. College, Wayanad
Area of Expertise/Specialization: Audio Signal Processing
Proposed Title of Talk: Musical Signal Processing - Classification, Pattern Recognition, Synthesis, Deep Learning Techniques for Audio

Phone Number: 9488079201
Education: Ph.D.
Address: Bethel, Mudavanmughal, Thiruvananthapuram 695012
Area of Expertise/Specialization: RF Circuits, Antenna Design
Proposed Title of Talk: Software-Defined Radio, Metamaterials, Benefits of IEEE, Topics Related to Microwave

Phone Number: 9446172785
Education: Ph.D. from IIT Bombay
Address: Director, ICFOSS, Trivandrum, Kerala
Area of Expertise/Specialization: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Proposed Title of Talk: Emerging Trends in Artificial Intelligence: Conquering Speech and Vision Using Large Language Models

Phone Number: 9544640794
Education: Ph.D.
Address: Dept. of ECE, TKM College of Engineering, Karicode, Kollam-691005
Area of Expertise/Specialization: Chip Design
Proposed Title of Talk: Open-Source Chip Design

Phone Number: 8547805232
Education: Ph.D.
Address: B5, PRS TULIPS, Panavila, Thycaud, Trivandrum 695014
Area of Expertise/Specialization: Control Systems, Flight Control of Aerospace Vehicles
Proposed Title of Talk: Any Topic on Rocketry, Mission, and Control Based on Requirement

Phone Number: 9497013706
Education: B.Tech
Address: HDG, C-DAC, Trivandrum
Area of Expertise/Specialization: Embedded Systems, RISC-V Processor Architecture, Linux, Embedded Software Development
Proposed Title of Talk: Development of Embedded Systems with Indigenous VEGA Processors-Based SoCs; Basics of RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture; Thoughts on Environment Protection

Phone Number: 9447514014
Education: Ph.D.
Address: Assistant Professor (Special), Saintgits College of Engineering (Autonomous), Pathamuttom, Kottayam
Area of Expertise/Specialization: Robotics, Control Engineering
Proposed Title of Talk: Robots - Design, Development, and Control

Phone Number: 9550797705
Education: Ph.D.
Address: School of Computing, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus
Area of Expertise/Specialization: Robotics, Cloud Computing, Virtual and Augmented Reality
Proposed Title of Talk: Robotic Operating System, Foundations of Cloud Computing

Phone Number: 9074534177
Education: Ph.D.
Address: Department of Computer Science, Central University of Kerala, Tejaswini Hills, Periya, 671325
Area of Expertise/Specialization: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Human-Computer Interaction
Proposed Title of Talk: AI with a Human Focus: Trends and Applications

Phone Number: 9446707870
Education: Ph.D.
Address: Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering Trivandrum
Area of Expertise/Specialization: Power Systems, Microgrid, Smart Grid, Embedded Systems
Proposed Title of Talk: Modeling and Control of Microgrid

Guidelines for SDLP2025.

The guidelines for the conduct of the SDLP2025

  1. The request for the SDLP lecture should originate from the respective IEEE SB, endorsed by the SB Counselor, to IEEE KS (IKS). Prior approval is to be taken in all cases from IKS SDLP Chair, after scheduling the talk at the institute with the concurrence of the speaker.
  2. The travel expenses from the source station of the speaker, as per the home/office address, to the nearby destination station of the institute, by train (limited to the II AC/AC Chair Car train fare), and the taxi fare from the home/office of the speaker to the nearest source station, and the taxi fare from the destination railway station to the institute; to be reimbursed by IEEE Kerala Section, to the respective speaker. No advance payment will be made in this regard. The speaker must submit the proof of travel to the IKS officials (IKS Chair, Treasurer & SDLP Chair, with cc to IKS office– : Kind attn: Ms Rohini Sanoj,
    94004 37377) within 10 days from the date of the talk.The SBs are advised to share one or two photos of the event, along with a short note indicating the speaker, topic, attendance, and date of the talk with the SDLP Chair; and update the event at the IEEE website using vTools.
  3. If the originating station and the destination of the SDLP speaker are NOT connected by train, prior approval is to be sought from the IKS SDLP Chair for other modes of conveyance. The maximum expense to be borne by IEEE KS per talk is limited as Rs.5000/-. Prior approval from the IKS SDLP Chair is essential if the travel expense to be met by IKS exceeds Rs.5000/-
  4. The expense of the memento and the local hospitality, including accommodation if needed, are to be met by the host institute.
  5. The maximum number of SDLP-2025 speakers is limited to 40. One speaker can engage max. 3 talks/per year. Also, a student branch can host a maximum of 2 SDLP talks in 2025. However, IEEE SBs are free to conduct more SDLP talks, if they can bear the entire expense themselves. As far as possible, all talks under SDLP2025 to be completed by December 2025.
  6. If the SDLP event was cancelled due to some unavoidable and unforeseen reasons, the speakers are eligible for the refund of cancellation charges, after getting approval from the SDLP core team.